How can fibromyalgia be diagnosed if no one knows what causes it

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Although scientists still don't know exactly why fibromyalgia occurs, their research clearly shows that fibromyalgia is real and that it is associated with abnormalities in pain processing in the nerves and other tissues. Research suggests that there may be abnormalities in the parts of the brain that processes pain signals. This can be triggered by an injury, illness or emotional stress to the extreme. In the last 2 decades, but research and advocacy has increased dramatically, which has helped doctors make more accurate diagnosis. More people are now aware of the symptoms of fibromyalgia, potential causes and treatment options.

Research shows that myofascial trigger points, which provides objective criteria, present in most if not all patients. It takes a real understanding of what is involved in treating myofascial pain syndrome for optimal results, and the author's criteria are not knowledgeable in this area. Check with your doctor before taking any herb or supplement. If you feel you have some symptoms of fibromyalgia, talk with your doctor or health care provider about each symptom and diagnosis. Even natural remedies can have unwanted side effects, and they can interact with other medicines that you take

Some alternative medicine practitioners recommend a variety of natural treatments, such as herbal remedies and nutritional supplements, to treat the symptoms. Some natural products may hold promise. For example, there is some evidence that herbs are commonly prescribed by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine may be effective for relieving symptoms of fibromyalgia. There are many natural treatments include acupuncture, biofeedback, chiropractic, hypnosis, a magnesium supplement, magnet therapy, massage therapy, and tai chi, according to the National Center for complementary and alternative medicine. Talk to your doctor before taking any supplements if you have fibromyalgia. However, this and other natural treatments require closer study before their effect is known.